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Lemonade Wise // Wix

Lemonade Wise is a complete tutorial on doing the Master Cleanse and Lemonade diet easily and efficiently. You'll understand just what is the relationship between the cleanse and the lemonade, exactly how to begin in your home, how you can prevent the common difficulties and how to make the most of your detox for long lasting health.


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The Lemonade Diet - A 10 Day Health Miracle


When Beyonce Knowles needed to lose 20 pounds for her starting role in the movie dream girls she turned to the lemonade diet. This is not some posh, advanced, expensive diet reserved for the wealthy. In fact it can be done by anyone for less then $5 a day.

The lemonade diet is not a long term diet. You won't have to spend months or years doing it to see results. It takes just 10 days. And in fact you can have some good results in as little as 3 days. But just because it only takes 10 days don't think that it's easy because nothing could be further from the truth.


There is a very high drop out rate. Most people who start the cleanse don't even make it past the first day. What stops them? Hunger. You will be drinking purely a liquid diet, and people are so used to eating solid foods that they just give up at the first craving for whole food.


Once you get past the first day it gets easier and the health benefits are amazing. Your digestive system gets a rest because it's not having to process new food so all the backlog can be cleared. Your colon will be emptied and all the toxins that have been building up for years will be flushed out. You'll lose weight, have a healthier gut, more energy, your skin will be clearer and you'll just feel better overall.


If you can come to grips with the hunger you will experience when you do it you will be greatly rewarded with improved health.

Felicity is an ace on the Master Cleanse and the lemonade diet. She first encountered this lemon water detox several years ago and to begin with dismissed it as a fad! However, when a fellow blogger wrote about her success through this lemonade cleanse she decided to try again and had excellent results. Now she does this yearly to keep her system in good health. 


Read more at her website.

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